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Lameness is a common cause of reduced performance in equids.

A lameness evaluation often will involve watching the horse move at various gaits, flexion of the joints and possibly desensitization of areas up the limb by nerve or joint local analgesia.  Once the area of pain has been localised, diagnostic imaging can be used to identify the source.  Once the diagnosis is made Newton Equine is able to offer a variety of treatment options and recommendations for your horses specific condition.


Potential treatment options following lameness evaluation and diagnosis include:

  • Joint injections with corticosteroid, hyaluronic acid.

  • Injections with autologenous products

    • PRP

    • IRAP

  • Extracorporeal shockwave therapy

  • Ultrasound guided sacroiliac and neck facet injections

  • Acupuncture.​​​



Extracorporeal shockwave therapy ( ESWT) is a treatment modality which applies energy waves to a specific area. ESWT helps to increase blood flow and formation of new blood vessels in the injured area. ESWT also has a positive effect on transforming growth factor beta 1 and thus helps to stimulate cell activity and transformation. It also has an effect on bone remodelling by contributing to strengthening of the cells that underlie cartilage.

ESWT is a modality that is used for injuries such as proximal suspensory desmitis, tendinitis, hock and proximal sesamoid problems, navicular sundrome, back and sacroiliac pain as well as ring bone and stress fractures.

ESWT is a non invasive procedure that can often be done under light standing sedation to our equine patients.  Typically I recommend 3-4 treatments at 2 week intervals.

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This is an exciting system that produces highly a concentrated solution of cells, platelets, growth factors and anti-inflammatory proteins – including IL-1ra. 



Pro-Stride APS - How it Works (intra-articular)





Platelet rich plasma (PRP) is a concentration of platelets naturally within the horses blood which when concentrated and activated, release growth factors that exhibit a therapeutic effect and play an essential role in repair and regeneration of tendons, ligaments and other soft tissues


The Restigen PRP used by Newton Equine Veterinary Services has a long standing track record of consistently and repetitively recovery 90% platelets and having a 9 fold platelet concentration.



Restigen Device Animation - How it Works


Dry needle acupuncture is practised at NEVS.  

When placed into acupoints the needles can have local effects through nerve stimulation which increases blood flow and a segmental analgesic effect.  Acupuncture can be used for a variety of scenarios in equine practice including musculoskeletal disorders, neuromuscular injury, circulatory and lymhatic problems, respiratory conditions, digestive issues including colic and inappetence.

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